I have been so scared to make all these changes in my life! I’ve been going back & forth with the decision to leave Beachbody for months now. The idea often left me feeling sick & sad. Now don’t get me wrong, I have nothing bad to say about Beachbody because it introduced me to a new world of health and wellness & brought many incredible people into my life!
But if you’ve followed me for any amount of time, you’ve seen me work SO hard with very little results. This has been largely in part of my Hashimotos. 1 year after my diagnosis, I thought I could figure out how to get myself back on track on my own by ended up finding myself immersed in tons of conflicting information.
I felt overwhelmed on where to even start & ended up participating in my mentor, Chalene Johnson’s beta test group for 131diet back in May. I learned about an entirely different way of eating. WAY different than we’ve been told!
And I lost 20 pounds in the process. I felt great, had energy, & my thyroid dose needed decreased! I was finally feeling like I had my old spark back!
In July, I went to Summit & was crazy excited when I found out that the new meal plan seemed to favor my new way of eating. I jumped all in, only to find out it wasn’t structured quite the same. It had more carbohydrates than I’d been used to eating and less fat. But I felt the need to practice what I’d preached & follow the plan. I was able to for a time but by September, I had the absolute WORST crash of my life.
I stopped working out. I was so exhausted that even basic daily functions like cooking, cleaning or changing diapers seemed to be too much to ask.
My hair was falling out again. My weight redistributed so close weren’t fitting as they once had. I knew then that I needed to have my labs rechecked. And I was right, my dose needed to be increased.
I remember my husband asking me, “when was the last time you were happy?” Because in all honestly, I felt miserable. And it took me back to June when I was starting to feel ALIVE again!
Around the same time, I reconnected with a friend who told me about these exogenous ketones that had changed her life. They’d improved her mood, increased her energy & so much more! Funny enough, was the fact that I’d been following a keto-ish diet back in June when I felt so good! So I thought, what the heck? I couldn’t feel worse than I do now!?
I got my 10 day experience pack & right away noticed more energy. Energy that I hadn’t felt in probably YEARS! Energy to get my booty OFF THE COUCH, to go to the grocery store, to be a MOM again!
Long story short, I decided that my heart was leading me in a different direction & I wanted to continue to truly help people feel BETTER!
So YES! My name is Ali & I am now a Prüver with Prüvit and I am SO excited!!!! If you want to know more about this, LET’S chat! 💜 Email me at AliGetsShredded@gmail.com ✨
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